86.04 (Aug 11 2024)

Release Notes



Added new emergency contacts for Iran.

Fixed that some emergency contacts connection performance.



Applied better UX design for the EmKit home screen.

Scan2Set: Improved the provisioning waiting mechanism to prevent misunderstanding that the provisioning is not completed properly. 

Program Buttons: Improved to check the power-lock feature that ignores the power button pressing when a side scan button is pressed so that the buttons can operate properly when a side scan button is mapped to the power key feature.

Operating System


Added a feature requiring a password to factory reset through the Android recovery mode to enhance the device security.

More> Password for Reset in Android Recovery Mode

Scanner Settings


Changed the scan beep with more distinguishable sound. (Applied after factory reset)



Changed the default value of the Internet Access Checking setting in WLAN Detail Settings to Disable.

86.03 (Jun 02 2024)

Release Notes

Scan Settings


Added Enable read fail option to control the transmission of the READ_FAIL message when a scanning is failed. It will help users not get confused when pressing the scan button accidentally.

More> ScanSettings User Guide - Notification

Added Reduce quiet zone option to Interleaved 2 of 5 symbology.

Added group separator availability to GS1 DataMatrix and GS1 QR symbologies.


Added the availability to conduct the '/x0' (KEYCODE_UNKNOWN) on the wedge > suffix.

More> Send a KeyCode with Barcode Data

Operating System


Added calculator-numeric keypad to advanced AOSP keyboard.

86.02 (Mar 21 2024)

Release Notes



Fixed the unexpected error when provisioning using the Direct Clone, by changing the order of removing ab file. 



Program Buttons: Added new abilities to map a specific keycode (Direct input) to the buttons on the navigation bar.


Smart Charging:

Improved the charging scenario of the Life-X mode to provide optimized charging to battery level 100%.
And the default charging mode has changed to the Life-X mode.

Scan2Set: Improved Scan2Set to allow use of mobile data during provisioning with a QR code.

Applied better UX design for the following EmKit solution apps.



Added new settings in the WLAN Detail Settings (Settings > Network & internet > Wi-Fi > Wi-Fi preferences).

  • WLAN multicast mode
  • Band Selection

More> Instruction of WLAN Detail Settings

Scan Settings


Added DPM enhance mode setting to read DPM (Direct Part Marks) better (Only for 2D scanner).

Added Mobile phone / Display mode setting to improved the reading performance when scanning barcodes displayed on the screen that may be reflective. (N6703 scanner only)

Added Clear data setting that removes the currently entered string from the field and enter the newly decoded data.

More> ScanSettings User Guide - Option


Improved to turn on the scanner by default for user convenience.

Operating System


Added All rotation setting.


Improved the date & time setup to perceive the build year after booting or factory reset.

Integrated the battery health information to the EmKit > EmHealthReport
instead of the Settings > Battery for better understanding.

86.01 (Jul 21 2023)

Release Notes

Initial Release of PM86

  • No labels