If you don't want to use SIP (Soft Input Panel), or you use a hardware keyboard but want to use SIP as well sometimes for extended input characters, you can hide or set toggle the SIP.
- Android 7
- PM550: All versions
- Android 8
- PM45: 45.65 (Jun 24 2022) and later
- PM85: 85.15 (Mar 06 2022) and later
- Android 9
- PM45: 45.71 (Dec 04 2020) and later
- PM85: 85.21 (Nov 18 2020) and later
- PM90: 90.05 (Oct 30 2020) and later
- PM451: All versions
- Android 11
- All models
(For Android 6, see Hide or Toggle Virtual Keypad (SIP) (Android 6))
Before Start
To control the SIP, you must turn on the Built-in Keypad Mode.
Turn on the mode from:
- Settings > System > Language & input > Advanced > Built-in Keypad Mode
- (Android 9 and above only) EmKit > EmSettings > Built-in Keypad Mode
Hide or Toggle Virtual Keypad
See the virtual keyboard operation depending on the Built-in keypad mode and Show virtual keyboard. Show virtual keyboard (Use on-screen keyboard) Check if the Built-in Keypad Mode is turned on from: Choose SoftKeyboardKey among the list. If there is no SoftKeyboardKey, select Direct Input and enter 1008. Tap OK and tap APPLY to save the change. If Built-in keypad mode is turned off, the virtual keyboard toggle does not work even if the SoftKeyboardKey is set. Make sure the Built-in keypad mode is turned on.Hide Virtual Keypad as Default
Built-in keypad mode ON OFF ON Show Show OFF Hide Show
- EmKit > EmSettings > Built-in keypad mode
- Settings > System > Language & input > Advanced > Built-in keypad mode
(or Tap Advanced > Physical Keyboard)
(Depending on the model, the option name might be Use on-screen keyboard)Set Toggle Key for Virtual Keypad
- EmKit > EmSettings > Built-in keypad mode
- Settings > System > Language & input > Advanced > Built-in keypad mode