If you don't want to use SIP (Soft Input Panel), or you use a hardware keyboard but want to use SIP as well sometimes for extended input characters, you can hide or set toggle the SIP.


  • Android 7
    • PM550: All versions
  • Android 8
    • PM45: 45.65 (Jun 24 2022) and later
    • PM85: 85.15 (Mar 06 2022) and later
  • Android 9
    • PM45: 45.71 (Dec 04 2020) and later
    • PM85: 85.21 (Nov 18 2020) and later
    • PM90: 90.05 (Oct 30 2020) and later
    • PM451: All versions
  • Android 11
    • All models

(For Android 6, see Hide or Toggle Virtual Keypad (SIP) (Android 6))

Before Start

To control the SIP, you must turn on the Built-in Keypad Mode.

Turn on the mode from: 

  • Settings > System > Language & input > Advanced  > Built-in Keypad Mode
  • (Android 9 and above only) EmKit > EmSettings > Built-in Keypad Mode

Hide or Toggle Virtual Keypad

Hide Virtual Keypad as Default

See the virtual keyboard operation depending on the Built-in keypad mode and Show virtual keyboard.

Built-in keypad mode

Show virtual keyboard

(Use on-screen keyboard)


  1. Check if the Built-in Keypad Mode is turned on from: 
    - EmKit > EmSettings > Built-in keypad mode
    - Settings > System > Language & input > Advanced  > Built-in keypad mode

  2. Tap Current keyboard
    (or Tap Advanced > Physical Keyboard)

  3. Turn off Show virtual keyboard.
    (Depending on the model, the option name might be Use on-screen keyboard)

Set Toggle Key for Virtual Keypad

  1. Check if the Built-in Keypad Mode is turned on from: 
    - EmKit > EmSettings > Built-in keypad mode
    - Settings > System > Language & input > Advanced  > Built-in keypad mode

  2. Go to EmKit   > Program Buttons

  3. Select a button you want to use for virtual keypad toggle.

  4. Choose SoftKeyboardKey among the list.

    If there is no SoftKeyboardKey, select Direct Input and enter 1008.

  5. Tap OK and tap APPLY to save the change.

    If Built-in keypad mode is turned off, the virtual keyboard toggle does not work even if the SoftKeyboardKey is set.

    Make sure the Built-in keypad mode is turned on.