To find cause of problem that you have with your device, we need to know about your device information like kernel version, status of each hardware component... etc.

You can simply let us know these information by 'DevInfo.html' file.

Follow These Steps to Get 'DevInfo.html' File

1. Open EmKit

EmKit is the pre-installed solution on all Point Mobile's android device. You can find EmKit on home screen usually.

2. Go to System Information Menu

3. Tap 'Save to file'
Once you tap 'Save to file', system make file automatically.

Send File To Us!

Step 1. Find File
Open root folder of internal storage using file explorer.

Step 2. Upload file

Upload file at Point Mobile's dropbox account at HERE.

Don't forget you should also upload bug report file containing reproduced bug log.

Please refer to article below that is about 'How to get BugReport'.