If you want to check the device information but you don't have time to remove the battery and check the label attached inside, the special barcode will be a good solution!

Just scan a barcode and check the device information.


Android 7PM55055.X6 (Jun 28 2023) and later
Android 8PM8585.17 (Sep 05 2023) and later
Android 9PM9090.16 (Sep 18 2023) and later
Android 11PM9090.54 (Aug 09 2023) and later
PM7575.05 (Jul 14 2023) and later
PM6767.05 (Jul 14 2023) and later
PM35135.03 (Jul 13 2023) and later
PM56056.01 C1 (Jun 16 2023) and later
PM86All versions

And other model and OS versions released after Sep, 2023.

(This feature will be applied to all Point Mobile devices with Android 7 and above.)

Available Device Info & Special Barcode

The following information can be checked with special barcodes.

Expand each items and check the special barcodes (1D, 2D).

1D Barcode2D Barcode

1D Barcode2D Barcode

1D Barcode2D Barcode

1D Barcode2D Barcode

1D Barcode2D Barcode

1D Barcode2D Barcode

1D Barcode2D Barcode

How to Check?

Launch the Notes (or another notepad app) and scan a special barcode!

The information will be printed as below. (Line feed does not be appended automatically.)