92.09 (Sep 03 2024)

Bluetooth Firmwarev3.5
Scanner FirmwareRI000407BBA



Fixed a symptom that the manufacturer information (Serial number, Part number) is removed after rebooting. It has been solved by improving the scenario of writing the manufacturer data when booting.

92.08 (Nov 24 2023)

Bluetooth Firmwarev3.5
Scanner FirmwareRI000407BBA



Requested to provide a parameter barcode that makes the reader to not deliver a data packet when entering sleep and wake up.

Refer to Enable/Disable Packet during PM5 Communication

Requested to provide an easy way to reconnect.

→ Provide a parameter barcode for reconnection. Refer to Reconnect PM5 to the Previously Connected Host Device

Request to add lock scan feature that blocks every scanning.

→ Provide a API method for lock scan feature (Configurable only using SDK or command)

92.07 (Oct 06 2022)

Bluetooth Firmwarev3.5
Scanner Firmware


Scanner Firmware Update Required

Updating scanner firmware is required to experience improved stability.
To update the scanner firmware, contact Point Mobile team or local manager.

Find out important changes.

(IMPROVED)Applied more clear and high beep sound when a barcode reading is successful.

Improved barcode reading performance. 2D barcode reading is 2x faster.

(Scanner firmware update is required.)

92.06 (Feb 07 2022)

  • RingControl: v2.11.0
  • RingControl Lite: v2.3.2 and later
  • RingControl PC Tool: v2.9.0

Update Order (Connection Compatibility)

Update PM5 firmware first. If you updated RingControl app to v2.11.0 first, use Tap-to-Pair to connect.

Only Tap-to-Pair is available for PM5 under 92.06 and RingControl v2.11.0 and higher.

Following VoC is applied on 92.06 (Feb 07 2022).

U.S.Requested a way to avoid unauthorized changes via parameter barcode (special barcode)Added Lock parameter barcode setting
Requested a way to identify information that barcode data came fromAdded new intent field, Source of Scanner
EuropeBarcode data transmission issue when using different keyboard layout from QWERTYImplemented multi-language keyboard layout

Check the newly added functions / improvements on PM5 and RingControl app.

Retry button on the update processAdded Retry button on update popup when the update wasn't completed properly.

Handheld scan button activation feature 

Added button on RingControl's main screen to activate/deactivate the host device's scan button. (Use for avoid mis-pressing)
Related article

New Scanner Information

Added BT MAC, Decoder Board S/N, Scanner S/N information.

Condition restriction for updateWhen battery is low (< 20%) or the temperature is too low (<0℃ or < 32℉), update will be restricted.
Reconnection featureReconnect to currently connected host device with button combination.
(Supported with SPP, HID connection only)
Connecting indication

Blue LED blinks while PM5 is trying to connect with a host device through Scan-to-Pair.

Bluetooth settings

Bluetooth class & Bluetooth disconnection timeout settings are now configurable on the app (Configure via app or JSON).

Separated scan result LED setting

Control the scan success / fail LED indication individually.

Related article

Removed vibration setting

Removed notification settings related to vibration that don't support yet.

Changed default configurations

From 92.06, default configurations have been changed as below.

< Ring Scanner Configuration >




Sleep timeout60 sec300 sec
Center WindowDisableEnable
Center Window Tolerance3040
HID Inter Char Delay0 ms20 ms

< Symbologies >

UPC-AConvert to EAN-13DisableEnable
UPC-ESend Check CharacterEnableDisable
Code 93
DataMatrixLow Contrast EnhancementONOFF
Code 128AppendDisableEnable
Micro PDF 417
PDF 417

92.05 (Apr 29 2021)

  • Compatible RingControl
    • RingControl: v2.6.0
    • RingControl Lite: v2.4.0
    • RingControl PC Tool: v2.3.0

Following issued is fixed on 92.05 (Apr 29 2021)

Issued OS Version



92.04 (Apr 06 2021)

Bluetooth HID mode is disconnected after 30 seconds when PM5 is connected to Windows 10 PC

Updated the Bluetooth firmware to fix the issue

Check the newly added functions / improvements on PM5 and Ring Control App



Changed first screen of Ring Control AppDisplay Scan-to-Pair & Tap-to-Pair screen if no ring scanner is connected when launching the Ring Control App
Improved configuration auto-update scenarioUpdate beep volume setting in JSON file when the revision number of Ring scanner and JSON file are same
Added beep enable option for scan results Enable/Disable the beep indication of scan success and scan fail separately
Added more options in System Settings

6 more system settings are added

  • Poor Quality 1D Codes Reading
  • Poor Quality PDF Codes Reading
  • Decode Security (Reading Tolerance)
  • Aimer
  • Illumination
  • Delay before Decoding
Added detail settings for specific Symbologies

Added detail settings for sepcific Symbologies

  • Code 39: Unconventional Intercharacter Gaps
  • DataMatrix: Low Contrast Data Matrix Enhancements
  • PDF417: macroPDF417
  • QR Code: No Quiet Zone
  • DotCode: Poor Quailty DotCodes
  • Korea Post: Send Check Character

92.04 (Apr 06 2021)

  • Compatible RingControl
    • RingControl: v2.5.0
    • RingControl Lite: v2.3.2
    • RingControl PC Tool: v2.3.0

Following specific configurations are added for special barcodes:

FunctionDescriptionDetail Setting
Center WindowConfigure scanning area Tolerance Range: 0 ~ 100 (interval = 10)
Trigger ModeSelect a trigger mode based on the scanning environment

Normal Mode

Enhanced Mode

Mobile phone read Mode