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UI Tabs
UI Tab
titleSetting up with Ring Control

Setting up with RingControl

Connect the ring scanner you use with the host device, and change the configuration through the RingControl app.

This method is suitable for you who...

  • Knows the admin password 
  • Wants to change a few configurations immediately

To use this method,


  1. Launch Ring Control and connect a ring scanner you use.
  2. Access Advanced settings by tapping the gear icon on the top of the screen.
  3. Input the admin password.
  4. Tap the desired configuration category
    1. Wedge settings (Not supported in RingControl Lite)
    2. System settings
    3. Bluetooth settings
    4. Notification settings
    5. Symbology settings
titleDefault Configuration

RingControl app loads the configuration from the connected ring scanner. 

So the loaded configurations might not be the factory default values.

UI Tab
titleSetting up with JSON file

Setting up with JSON file

Make a configuration profile (JSON file) by Scan2Stage or PMDM, and apply the configurations through RingControl app.

UI Text Box

This article does not describe how to apply through RingControl Lite app.

This method is suitable for you who...

  • Knows the admin password 
  • Wants to change a lot of configurations at once
  • (Auto update only) Wants to apply the configurations every time the ring scanners are connected.

1) Preparing Configuration JSON file

To use this method, you must prepare the configuration profile (JSON file) via Scan2Stage or PMDM first. 

You can download the tools from the Service Portal or Download page.

  1. (Using Scan2Stage) Execute the Scan2Stage and go to EmSolution > RingControl.
    (Using PMDM) Navigate to Profiles > Add, and then go to RingControl tab.
  2. Raise the revision number (Skip if this is your first JSON file creation) and set up the desired configurations.
  3. Save JSON file.

2) Update (Manual or Auto)

You can apply the configuration using JSON file through auto update or manual update.

Auto UpdateManual Update

Apply the configuration
every time the ring scanner is connected.

Apply the configuration
immediately & once.
  • Auto update: Apply the configuration every time the ring scanner is connected.
  • Manual update: Apply the configuration immediately, once.

Find the detail of auto update in 

UI Button
titlePM5 Configuration Auto Update via Ring Control

If you want to perform manual update,

  1. Launch Ring Control and connect a ring scanner you use.
  2. Access Advanced settings by tapping the gear icon on the top of the screen.
  3. Tap Update Ring Scanner settings with JSON file.
  4. Tap APPLY NOW.

UI Tab
titleSetting up with Special Barcodes

Setting up with Special Barcodes

Scan the special barcode and change the configuration easily.

The benefit of this method is that it also can be used while you are using the ring scanner with HID mode.

This method is suitable for you who...

  • Knows the admin password 
  • Wants to change a few configurations more easily
  • Wants to change configuration while using the ring scanner with HID mode.

To use this method, 


  1. Launch Ring Control app
  2. Tap icon on the top of the screen.
  3. Input the admin password.
  4. Tap the desired configuration.
  5. Explore the options by swiping the screen, and scan the barcode you want.
