PMBooster is an extended battery case for PM30.

PMBooster includes a rechargeable 3,250mAh Li-ion battery so it can charge the PM30 through USB Type C connector.

Find out how to assemble the PMbooster with PM30, and the compatibility information.


PM30 & PMBooster

Assemble PMBooster

Before installing the PM30, remove all attached accessories from PM30. 

And then, slide the PM30 into the PMBooster top to bottom so that the USB type C connector fits properly.

Charge PM30 & PMBooster

Charge PM30

Press the power button of PMBooster for 2 seconds to start charging PM30.

If you want to stop charging, press the power button for 2 seconds.

Charge PMBooster

PMBooster can be charged using USB cable or 2 slot cradle (PM30-2SC), with/without PM30.

PMBooster will be charged after attached PM30 is fully charged.

The USB type C connector on the PMBooster is only available for charging. Data transfer does not support.

While charging states, LED indicators lights on as below table depending on the PMBooster battery level.

Refer to PMBooster Quick Start Guide (Download from Service Portal) for more detail.

Detach PMBooster

Push the PM30 out of the PMBooster using hands.

DO NOT pull out the top of the PM30 to detach. It may damage the USB connector and it causes abnormal charging operation.