• The scanner works, but cannot read a barcode


All Android-powered Point Mobile devices with scanner

Troubleshooting Steps

1Incorrect scanning

Scan the barcode correctly

Keep distance between the device and the barcode and press the scan button. The aimer should be center over the barcode.
Check if the scanner can read the barcode.

2Temporary scanner issue

Turn off and on the scanner

  1. Go to Settings (or EmKit) > ScanSettings.
  2. Turn off the On switch.
  3. Turn it on again.
3Unable to process by scanning app

Reset scanner settings

  1. Go to Settings (or EmKit) > ScanSettings About.
  2. Tap Factory Reset.
  3. Tap OK to perform a scanner setting reset.
4Disabled symbology
or improper symbology setting

Set symbology detail settings

Check if the symbology of your barcode is enabled, first.

  1. Go to Settings (or EmKit) > ScanSettings > Symbologies.
  2. Find the symbology name of your barcode among the list.
  3. Turn on the switch of the symbology.
    (If you don't know which symbology is, tap ENABLE ALL.)

If the symbology is already enabled, then turn on or off the Check character option in the symbology detail settings.

  1. Go to Settings (or EmKit) > ScanSettings > Symbologies.
  2. Select the symbology name of your barcode among the list.
  3. Change the Check character option state.

    Note: Depending on the symbology, the Check character option may be not supported. If you cannot find the option, move to the next steps.

  4. Try to scan the barcode again.
5Repair or analysis required

Test scanning with ScanDemo and Contact local reseller

Perform a scan test using ScanDemo (in EmKit), first.

And then, contact your local reseller and tell them the test result.

Refer to similar troubleshooting guides.