• Cannot update the OS via FOTA in mobile network.
  • A message 'Please connect to Wi-Fi or Ethernet network' is displayed.
  • Warning message, 'To download this OS image, please touch gear icon to change the option' is displayed when tapping DONWLOAD button.


All Android powered Point Mobile devices

Troubleshooting Steps

1Design to prevent the unexpected additional charge

Change FOTA Download Setting

FOTA allows you to update the OS through Wi-Fi or Ethernet only, by default.
It is for preventing the additional charges, because the file size of OS image is usually big.

Therefore, if you access FOTA client in mobile network, you can see the messages.

If you want to update through mobile network either, change the FOTA setting.

  1. Go to Settings System System Updates, and go to FOTA tab.

  2. Tap gear icon () on the top of the screen.

  3. UNCHECK the first option (Download over the Wi-Fi and Ethernet).
    Then, the option title will be changed to 'Download over the Wi-Fi, Ethernet and Mobile Network'.

    Then, you can update the OS via FOTA, even in mobile network.