You can use RFIDControl (V2) app to connect and demonstrate the RF88 with a host device.

The app can be downloaded from Service Portal, and find the detailed app guide from RFIDControl (V2) Web Guide.

98.01 (Jun 20 2024)

Main FW98.01 (Jun 20 2024)
RFID Control (V2)v1.0.12

Release Notes

Supported the wire connection with PM90.

  • Manual UART control
  • Keep the connect mode on the memory
  • Setup the LED blinking mechanism on the Bluetooth mode

More> Connecting RF88 with PM90

98.00 (Apr 19 2024)

Main FW98.00 (Apr 19 2024)
Bluetooth FWv614
RFID module FWM231229
RFID Control (V2)v1.0.10

Release Notes

1st official firmware of RF88.

  • No labels