85.29 (Dec 11 2024)

Update via FOTA on 85.28 (May 31 2023)

If you are using 85.28 (May 31 2023), update the FOTA application to update to the latest version via FOTA.

You can download the new FOTA app from the Service Portal > Download > FOTA Application.

Release Notes



Enabled VoLTE for the following carriers of Australia and Taiwan.

  • Australia
    • Telstra
  • Taiwan
    • Chunghwa
    • Taiwanmobile
    • Far EasTone

Supported a provisioning through private networks using APN configuration. (Scan2Set)

Supported blocking the power button using an intent to avoid turning off the device.


Fixed the following abnormal symptoms:

  • The display size resets when rebooting the device
  • Device turns off while it installed on the charging cradle
  • Camera app crashes when accessing the front & rear camera at the same time



Smart Charging: Added Smart Charging function to safely manage battery life and prolong its lifetime.

More> Smart Charging

Scan2Set: Supported removing saved SSIDs using a QR code.



Basic: Added Intercharacter delay setting to deliver delay time between each character of the decoded data.

Option: Added the following settings.

  • DPM enhance mode: reads DPM (Direct Part Marks) better (Only for 2D scanner).
  • Clear Data: removes the currently entered string from the field and enter the newly decoded data.

More> ScanSettings User Guide - Option

Notification: Added Enable read fail option to control the transmission of the READ_FAIL message when a scanning is failed. It will help users not get confused when pressing the scan button accidentally.

More> ScanSettings User Guide - Notification

Wedge: Added the availability to conduct the '/x0' (KEYCODE_UNKNOWN) on the wedge > suffix.

More> Send a KeyCode with Barcode Data

Symbologies: Added the Reduced quiet zone option for Interleaved 2 of 5 symbology to read a barcode with narrow quiet zone.

Operation System


Added a feature that displays device information when scanning a special barcode.

85.28 (May 31 2023)

Release Notes

PM85 Android 9 VoC


Added show/hide navigation bar settings in EmSettings for using the buttons on the navigation bar during remote control.

(FIXED)Fixed camera app crash when the device is idle for more than 48 hours with screen lock (PIN).



Program Buttons: Meta option for mapping the Ctrl and Shift key combination behavior easily.

More> Map Direct Input Feature to Button (Including Meta Option)

EmLogTool: Added ability to take BT snoop log. 

More> Log Module Parameters

EmSettings: Added navigation bar settings in EmSettings.

    • Hide navigation bar
    • Rotate button on navigation bar

More> EmSettings Guide - Navigation bar settings

System Information: Added radio generation & antenna information in Radio > WLAN section.


Program Buttons: New smart remap feature and improved UI helps you remap and control the button functions easier.

More> Better Experience of Button Control, Program Buttons V2 (Difference between V1 vs V2)

EmSettings: Categorized settings and improved UI for intuitive recognition.

EmLogTool: Added confirmation popup when pressing the back button without saving the logging configuration.



Added IP Send function that sends the barcode data to an IP address through TCP/UDP protocol.

More> IP Send & RemoteWedge

Added a setting to adjust the size of TouchScan button.

More> ScanSettings User Guide - Basic - TouchScan

Added a setting to exit the auto scan mode by button.

More> ScanSettings User Guide - Basic - Auto Scan

Added a setting to make the trigger always turned on.

More> ScanSettings User Guide - Basic - Always trigger enable

Added new PEW actions:

    • Change to upper case: Changes all characters to upper case.
    • Send up to char / string: Sends only the part before a specific character or string.

More> [PEW] Send Data Up to Specific Character / String

Added an option to read a QR code:

    • with no quiet zone (low-contrast background) → No Quiet Zone
    • with out of standard finder pattern → Non square decoding

More> How to Read QR Code that is Out of Standard



Added a setting for PNO (Wi-Fi preferred network offload) Scan interval.

More> Instruction of WLAN Detail Settings


Improved the private mobile network setting to have ability to automatic setting.

More> Mobile Data Frequently Disconnects on Private LTE network

Operating System


Added ability to allow applications which use CPU resource a lot through Scan2Stage.

Added availability to custom boot animation using enterprise storage.

More> Custom Boot Animation


System restricts setup wizard proceeding when a provisioning configuration exists in the enterprise storage to wait for the automatic provisioning.

Added availability to perform provisioning by scanning a QR code in states that the PULS program activates.

85.27 (Jun 13 2022)

  • SDK: v3.21.06
  • Security Patch: 2022-05-05
Release Notes

Find the VoC related to 85.27 version on the below table.

U.S.Requested to operate Send Next action of PEW more flexible about data lengthImproved the action to operate with the length of scanned data automatically when the value you set is longer than the scanned length
Requested to support the scanner wedge function that trims the last digits of the dataAdded Remove back to action to PEW

<New / Improved Functions on PM85 A9 >

Added / Improved Functions

  • [LCD] Color optimization
  • [Phone] Added private mobile network option for users in private LTE environment. Refer to Related article (Log-in required).
    • Location: Settings > mobile networks > Private mobile network
    • Default: OFF (Not use private LTE)
  • [EmLogTool] Expanded available log types (see below list) and improved better user experience design. Refer to EmLogTool Web Guide.
    • Logcat with configurable buffers
    • Kernel message
    • Snapshot
    • Traces
    • QXDM
    • WLAN Driver
    • TCPDump
  • [Scanner] Segmented the result type of Keyboard Event to Keyboard Event (Multiple) and Keyboard Event (Single), to ScanSettings to meet more various scanner use case

85.26 (Mar 31 2022)

  • SDK: v3.21.03
  • Security Patch: 2022-02-05
Release Notes

Find the VoC related to 85.26 version on the below table.

KoreaRequested to add a function to restrict USB module connectionAdded API to the system
Also supported through Scan2Stage (From v10.1.2 and compatible client app)
Requested to prevent occurring KeyEvent twice after changing key via KCM file

Improved not to occur keyEvent twice when the key is set as fallback behavior

EuropeRequested to apply keystroke method when transmitting the decoded dataOptimized the Keyboard Event result type to use the Keystroke method
U.S.Requested to remove the File Download dialog during provisioning through Scan2SetRemoved the dialog when the file overwrite checking is not required
Requested to enlarge the font of the Android recovery mode screen

Enlarge the font size of the Android recovery mode screen for better legibility

<New / Improved Functions on PM85 A9>

Added / Improved Functions

  • (Enterprise Storage) Added a function to reset the enterprise storage

85.25 (Dec 02 2021)

  • SDK: v3.21.00
  • Security Patch: 2021-10-05
Release Notes

Find the VoC related to 85.25 (Dec 02 2021) on the below table.


Requested to simplify the QR code provisioning process in Setup Wizard screenProvisioning process will be started once scanning the QR code, without launching Scan2Set manually
Requested to support Enterprise storage

Added /enterprise/usr/ storage which can be used for backup the provisioning data
Related article

Requested a way to identify information that barcode data came fromAdded new intent field, Source of Scanner
EuropeCannot receive first TDC Wi-Fi callingFixed bug of TDC Wi-Fi calling issue by applying TDC requirement

<New / Improved Functions on PM85 A9>

Added / Improved Functions

  • (Scanner) Disabled power save mode by default to prioritize performance
  • (WLAN) Disabled Wi-Fi Scan Throttling by default for getting instant Wi-Fi scan result

85.24 C1 (Oct 12 2021)

  • SDK: v3.19.29
Release Notes

Urgent OS Release

New LCM has been supported on 85.24 C1

85.24 (Sep 02 2021)

  • SDK: v3.19.29
  • Security Patch: 2021-07-05
Release Notes

Check the added and improved functions on PM85 (A9)

Added / Improved Functions

  • Android Security Patch (2021.05 - 2021.07)
  • [WLAN] Applied patch for FragAttacks to strengthen security vulnerabilities that affect Wi-Fi network
  • [Cradle charging] Applied new Charging Animation
  • Added notification for CountryCode API

85.22 (Jun 04 2021)

  • SDK: v3.19.28
  • Security Patch: 2021-04-05
Release Notes

Find the VOC related to 85.22 (Jun 04 2021) on the below table.


802.11 ac network does not workChanged the default value from ABG to AUTO to support all types of wireless LAN 
Add APN for MovistarAdded Movistar ES ("movistar.es"), Movistar ES (telefonica.es), TLF ES settings ("telefonica.es") APNs

Request to add an All Rotation setting option

Added All Rotation setting option on Settings > Display > All Rotations 
Default value: disabled

Reqeust to add "Telstra.internet" APN name

Update APN by adding "Teltra.internet" APN

Users can save tag information as CSV file
Added additional tag filter on RFID Control app
TaiwanCannot open the screenshot on PC, which captured while connecting the device to PC with the  USB cableFixed bug by applying the MTP settings of PM90

Check the improvements and new functions on PM85.

New Functions / Improvements

  • Update touch F/W (reduce the up-threshold of stylus)
  • Added Ctrl+V to result type
  • Added back button on pages of System Information in EmKit
  • Added back toolbar button to app activity except for main
  • Added a functionality that PowerLauncher is locked after specific interval
  •  Added Australia emergency number

  • No labels